About us
Living Stones: Vilaj Ansanm* is a community of people, in Jeremie, Haiti, who are committed to keeping children in families and empowering families to grow together.
We are a safe space where all people are encouraged to dream and propel one another towards the fulfillment of those dreams.
*Vilaj Ansanm (Vi-l-ah-jsh Ah-n-s-ah-m) means community. A village that does life together. That’s what you are a part of and that’s who we are.
We believe that every single life is valuable and has a future and hope, in Christ. We uphold the scripture in 1 Peter 2:5 “you yourselves like LIVING STONES are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
Even a living stone cannot build something great for God as it sits all on its own. What God does in us TOGETHER is important. He is building something out of us TOGETHER.
In 2019, our founders, Marc Donald and Krista Germeil, sat down with leaders in the community of Jeremie, Haiti, and asked what the community needed. The unanimous answer was a formula program for babies who have lost their mothers and a way to empower parents to support their own families.
Newborns without a mother are more likely to be abandoned and grow up in orphanages. Most families want to keep their babies, but some do not have the resources available to do that.
This is the problem that Living Stones:Vilaj Ansanm is working to solve so that babies can grow up in families and caregivers can find the resources they need to provide for their families and grow together as a family unit.
Our desire is for Haitian children to grow up in Haitian families and for the families to love and serve their community as an example to others.